


Introduction to Dawu Elementary School of Taitung County


Dawu Elementary School, founded in 1904, is 112 years old now. The scale of this school is classified as special and remote elementary school, with 6 classes in elementary education, 1 class in elementary special education, 1 class in kindergarten, 1 class in pre-school special education. The number of students is 107 in elementary education, 23 in kindergarten, and 130 in total, with 75%  being indigenous students (mainly the Paiwan People). The number of the staff is 31, with 23% being indigenous peoples.

This school is located in Dawu Village in Dawu Township, the most southern one of Taitung County.  The site of this school is beside South Link Highway, 57 km from central Taitung City, and 21 km from the border of Pintung County( Shoucar).  

The vision of this school is “wisdom, health, positivity, and concern”. The aim is to educate every student as a good child with independent thinking, physical and mental health, active learning, thankful attitude, and the habit of cooperation and helping each other.  

The goal of this school is to continue normalized teaching, to positively enhance academic abilities of students, while to develop multiple clubs such as soccer team, basketball team, straight flute team, and indigenous dancing club. We are committed to the values of respecting each student’s individual difference, developing his/her advantage potentials, and providing multiple opportunities of success.